Goal Setting with Stef Nadine

Why should we set goals for ourselves? To keep us accountable and motivated! It is important to set ourselves both long term and short term goals. Long term goals will of course take us much longer to achieve, so in order us to stay motivated we should also set ourselves smaller goals to work towards. I find that it helps to set both aesthetic and performance based goals. As we all know, progress is never linear. We won’t always see a change on the scales, which can be disheartening and frustrating. This is usually when people decide to throw in the towel! Setting ourselves performance based goals is a great way to keep us motivated and working hard, even on the weeks that we maybe didn’t progress as we wanted to! Hitting a new PB in the gym almost always makes up for it! The non-scale victories are just as important as the scale ones! Whether it’s being able to complete a pull up on your own, Hitting PBS, improving flexibility or completing a fitness challenge. Set yourself some goals to work towards that aren’t based solely on your physical appearance. And guess what – when you focus on performance and work harding hard in the gym, looking good becomes a by product of that.

When it comes to physical appearance for myself and a lot of clients I find it helps to set a target date. Whether it’s to get in better shape for a holiday, wedding, photoshoot or event – having a specific date to work towards helps to keep us accountable. When we know we only have X amount of weeks the pressure is on and we are less likely to waste time! Less likely to have that extra slice of cake or skip a gym session because we know there’s only a few weeks left to get ready.

We can often feel a little lost when we haven’t set ourselves goals – it’s important to understand your WHY. What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it , when and how are you going to achieve it?

Set yourself some goals, long term and short term, physical and aesthetic and start crossing off the days. It’s the little things that you do every day are what take us one step closer to achieving them!

Stefanie Nadine
Team Nadine Fitness

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