This Was My Life .. The FARM

This was my life …

The farm, the country, me walking alone, the open space and fields. Everybody said …

“That I couldn’t do what I envisaged doing.”

Now 10 years later; I’m running a successful supplement company ‘ProjectAD’ one of the fastest growing companies and well-respected within this industry.

I earned the nickname The HOBO CEO – from living on the road, hotels, in cars, sleeping on grass verges when there’s no room in the car.

The ten years have not been easy.

People may see the success at the end but they don’t share the journey.

So I’ve learned a lot; there’s been a lot of bumps in the road.

I always had one clear vision…

And it was to provide something that people started out on the journey. We’re part of a support network. To avoid some of the pitfalls I came across. A support network that contained when times are hard. And that’s what’s leading us to now today.

Inception. Now I don’t have to walk alone…

And neither do you. It’s time for you to walk your journey. We dig deep. We do it by lessons. We simply make them.

AD FARM is a place to chase your dream.

To gain industry experience. To build your personal legacy. To stand out from the crowd.

If a kid from a farm can do it. Then so can you. This time in chasing your dreams.

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