Truth From The Trenches – Zoe Brown’s Incredible Shredabull Transformation

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I started my transformation in 2015 when a trainer in my local gym offered to train me for free as long as I entered ‘Body Powers Transformation Challenge‘ and followed his diet and training plan. 

At this point in my life I had never ever lifted a single weight, and my diet was horrendous; often eating too little calories & then binging on the wrong types of food. My metabolism was shot to bits from years of constant yo-yo dieting. I had never done any kind of competition before in my life and although working with horses, I was relatively active, this was all very daunting for me, regardless of that I agreed…

The competition was to see who could transform their bodies the most in a 17 week period. In this time I lost over 4 stone and went on to win the competition.

Whilst I made a dramatic change in my appearance I often felt very weak, tiered and was hungry all the time.

My diet very strict for 17 weeks the only carb intake I had was 50g- 100g of complex carbs only. This was not a lifestyle change, or a long term diet, and once I went back to eating normally I noticed fat was re-appearing. I was still training hard and watching what I ate, however, was slowly putting on the lbs.

This is when my trainer introduced me to Project AD Shredabull. Now this is when the real transformation began.

I was dubious at first about taking a fat burner as I’ve never taken or tried anything like this and felt it was unnatural and no good for me. However, I decided to give them a go … I took one a day in initially for 2 weeks at a time.

I noticed changes rapidly! Within two weeks I was noticing a significant amount of fat going from the areas of my body that I have always struggled to shift it from; my tummy and back.

Not only was I dropping fat, I was also building lean muscle. My energy levels where sky high and I felt amazing, I was no longer craving food or hungry all the time.

I cannot recommend this product enough. I continue to take it and live a normal lifestyle.

I train an hour a day 4-5 days a week and whilst I eat relatively healthy, I do love food and eat pretty much what I want, when I want. I no longer have to weigh my foods, calorie or macro count. Shredabull take care of this for me.

Like most women, especially in there 30s, I held fat on my tummy and back. No amount of diet or exercise ever worked in aiding me to target those areas, but Shredabull did.

My transformation pictures speak for themselves.  So if you’re looking to loose fat especially from stubborn areas, speed up your metabolism, suppress your appetite and feel full of energy then Shredabull is most definitely for you.

You can follow my journey on my instagram page –  gym_girl_208

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