BACK to BASICS with Jamie Do Rego

The industry these days is full of conflicting information especially when it comes to different types of training, it seems every week there is a new “BEST” training method or approach and the majority buy into the hype and follow what is popular and current.

I’m going to strip it back to basics and tell you exactly what I have been doing over the last couple months to improve my back.

You have to remember training is pretty simple

and straight forward, all that truly matters is your train HARD and INTENSE. Don’t over complicate your training with these new fancy methods, you want a muscle to grow?! Then hit that muscle heavy and hard! I feel as if these days people want to do the least possible to get the best gain, it’s like the idea of working hard has gone out the window. Now it seems to all be about rest and “overtraining”

It’s a word I hear far too often.

Iv spent some time in Kuwait over the last couple of months and I can tell you there is NO SECRET here!!! Guys simply train hard, frequent, basic with high volume. They are not “scared” of so called “overtraining. The majority will train 2 x per day doing double splits. Volume will range from 7-9 exercises per muscle group, rep ranges from 10-20 reps, 4 sets. It’s pretty much eat, sleep, train and breath bodybuilding here… that’s the secrete. The create an environment that you can only progress in and optimize every variable, rest, recovery, performance.

So I’m going to give you an insight to my back workout over the last couple months which I’ve seen huge improvements in thickness and density… the key is you attack the session hard. Lift to failure, keep rest short and the workout intense

Wide grip tbar row

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Seated plate loaded row (over hand)

4 sets

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Under hand seated plate loaded row

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

T bar row close

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Close grip lay pull down

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Wide grip lat pull down

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Wide grip cable row

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Cable rope pull over (focus on stretch)

Set 1: 15 reps

Set 2: 15 reps

Set 3 12 reps

Set 4: 12 reps

Back extension

Set 1: 20 reps

Set 2: 20 reps

Set 3: 15 reps

Set 4 15 reps

As you can see above the workout is VERY basic using a lot of big compound exercises. If you hit this workout at maximum Effort I guarantee you your back will be in bits. Remember BASIC WORKS. Try not to over complicate things too much remember the most important factor in this sport is HARD CONSISTENT WORK.

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