The Ideal Time for Contest Prep by IFBB Pro Dominick Cardone

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IFBB Pro and #TeamAD prep coach Dominick Cardone shares some intriguing thoughts on the idea amount of time needed to come into the stage looking razor-sharp.




What is the ideal amount of time for a contest prep?


It always depends on how lean the person is starting out of course and history of being in shape.


If its someone who has never competed before and not to lean, then 16 weeks.


If they are lean, then I would say 12 weeks. 12 weeks is usually my standard for prep for most people.


I usually set most clients up to begin at 16 weeks out.


However, if it’s someone who’s body is stubborn and based on history they aren’t the easiest to get in shape, then I will put them through it at 16 weeks.


So is there really a set number? No. However, you need to be able to know what your body will do in X amount of time.


Another note I’d like to add is, don’t wait for prep to start with a coach.


Start in the off-season, let them learn your body and set you up their way for prep. This will help lead for a more successful contest prep.




While 12 weeks may be the magic number for Dom, starting contest prep with a solid off-season is clearly fundamental to ensuring prep goes smoothly.

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